We believe in the transformative power of music as a cornerstone of education, cultivating well-rounded success in children.

We are Ronda and Reuben Pali, founders of Maui Music Mission, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing diverse music lessons for the children of Maui. The fire in Lahaina not only destroyed our studio but displaced our students, and their school burned down. Escaping with our dogs in a 15-passenger van, we lost three residences and a recently purchased vehicle in the tragedy. The physical manifestation of our music school, an integral part of the community, now exists only in memories.

As we rebuild, every donation, big or small, makes a huge difference. Continue reading below to find out how we are showing up for our Maui community in this new chapter.


In the aftermath of the catastrophe, our commitment remains steadfast.

Our mission, centered on inspiring hope through music, has not changed. Playing music provides a calming vibrational effect, allowing individuals to release trauma and embrace the joy of the moment.

The Problem We're Solving

Despite the global popularity of ukulele clubs, Hawaiian children face a unique challenge—many lack access to ukulele education due to the absence of music teachers in schools. Music has been excluded from the core curriculum for generations, leaving instruments untouched in closets. Parents may be unaware of this educational gap, as math, computers, coding, languages, sports, science, and history cannot replace the unique benefits that music offers.

Music is the ONLY activity PROVEN to fire up multiple brain regions simultaneously, leading to bigger brains and higher IQ's!

According to research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, music education contributes to improved creativity, confidence, mental health, emotional stability, and student performance. Additional benefits of music education include improved memory, language and reasoning skills, coordination, higher standards in work, self-discipline, teamwork, a strong sense of accomplishment, creative thinking, imagination, intellectual curiosity, and increased engagement in education.

Schools with music programs
Graduation rate: 90.2%
Attendance rate: 93.9%

Schools without music programs
Graduation rate: 72.9%
Attendance rate: 84.9%

Schools with a music program have a 93.9% attendance rate!

(compared to 84.9% without)

Clearly, there are many benefits to incorporating music into a child's education. We're excited to be providing this space for students to thrive in our new music studio in Kahului, positioning ourselves to serve more keiki centrally! In addition, in response to longstanding requests for island-wide expansion, we're now fulfilling this vision through online classes and workbooks.

3 ways your donations will help us

move forward into this new chapter


Sponsor Our Students


Sponsor a student's Enrollment Package (includes uniforms, music materials, tokens, and pouch)


Sponsor a student for four weekly Personal Lessons, and take their music experience to the next level. Students build strong cognitive structures that quickly propel them to the head of the class.


Sponsor a student's monthly tuition (covers 24+ hours of diverse musical training).


For ambitious donatees, guarantee a year of consistent, challenging education for your sponsee for the entire school year.


Events & partnering with our community

Through partnerships with sponsors like the 'Kanikapila Project' and 'Kako'o', we're able to provide free ukulele lessons and have distributed over 200 complimentary ukuleles. In collaboration with Jason Jerome of Lahaina Music, our efforts are part of the Kanapila Project, offering weekend ukulele lessons in West Maui. These sessions, held at the 'Barn' and 'Oasis' in Kapalua, align with our mission of inspiring hope through music by using music as a powerful healer, helping individuals focus on the joy of the moment and letting go of trauma.

By supporting us, you empower our nonprofit music club to sustain the provision of free music lessons, serving as both a healing and educational outlet for individuals lacking direction, resources, and those directly affected by the recent devastation.


Online classes and workbooks

By making a monetary contribution, your donation also directly aids us in recording classes, reserving space, securing media rentals, and more. These essential funds help sustain our nonprofit initiatives, allowing us to provide free music lessons to those in need, especially those affected by the Maui wildfire.

Your financial support not only enriches a child's learning journey but also amplifies our outreach, ensuring that valuable educational resources reach individuals who may lack the means to access them.

We need your help.

Give Music. Give Hope.


If you would like to keep updated on MMM going forward, join our mailing list!

What our community says about us

"Maui Music Mission is the perfect place for your Keiki to learn music and how to play instruments. I love MMM. Every time I see them perform it makes me very happy to see these young children full of viva."

- Angel Jose (Maui, HI)

"Mahalo Maui Music Mission for your dedication to keeping the arts alive in the hearts and minds of our Keiki!!!  Your performance was filled with talent...and love! We thank God for the meaningful work you do for our keiki."

- Talia HP Events (Maui, HI)

"Maui music mission is phenomenal!!! Speaking from personal experience,



-Greg Mc'Connell (Maui, HI)